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MassHunter Software (CAT#: AM-LE-0549-Y)


• Fast and flexible data reporting, pre-configured reports simplify basic analysis, or fully customized reports using Microsoft© Excel and XML
• MassHunter software is now uniformly used in Agilent LC/MS, GC/MS and ICP-MS instruments
• New all-ion MS/MS technology for target and non-target screening on TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS

Cat Number: AM-LE-0549-Y

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MassHunter Software is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, the new Agilent MassHunter Workstation software provides intuitive and powerful instruments for Agilent Time of Flight (TOF), Quadrupole Time of Flight (Q-TOF), ICP-MS and Triple Quadrupole System Control, data collection, qualitative and quantitative data analysis and reporting.


• Fast and flexible data reporting, pre-configured reports simplify basic analysis, or fully customized reports using Microsoft© Excel and XML
• MassHunter software is now uniformly used in Agilent LC/MS, GC/MS and ICP-MS instruments
• New all-ion MS/MS technology for target and non-target screening on TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS
• Automatic tuning of three-level quadrupole and Q-TOF instruments, quick and simple setup and operation
• Powerful and simple data analysis with independent specialized modules

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