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Industrial Water Testing

Water is consumed in industries for various application, such as fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or transporting a product, etc. Industrial water often requires particular properties of water such as solubility, transportation potential, or heat exchanging potential. Boiler water and cooling water should be at least non-corrosive and non-scale forming in the boiler and in the heat exchange piping, or cooling tower. Ultrapure water used for semiconductor processing and cleaning contains no contamination or hazard to humans or the environment.

Quality of industrial water affects the production cost as well as the conservation of limited water resources. STEMart provides a variety of testing service to characterize industrial water.

Test Services

Cooling Tower Water Testing

STEMart provides comprehensive testing service on cooling tower water to help client develop a cooling water treatment program to control scaling, corrosion and microbiological activity.

Boiler Water Testing

STEMart provides comprehensive water testing on make-up water, feedwater and condensate to prevent boiler scale, limit sludge formation, and improve boiler efficiency.

Ultrapure Water Testing

STEMart provides comprehensive testing service on ultrapure water used in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, food and beverage industries as well as research and development laboratories.

Construction Water Testing

STEMart provides professional construction water testing service to ensure the quality of construction and lower maintenance costs.

For more information about our industrial water testing services, please contact us.

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