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ventura nanolux Nano-hybrid Composite, MADESPA S.A. (CAT#: STEM-ME-0336-LX)


Fluoride release.
Excellent polishing.
Natural fluorescence.

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0336-LX

Application: The universal light-curing nano-hybrid composite that creates excellent, high-quality anterior and posterior restorations.

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Ventura nanolux is a modern hybrid composite material modified with nano-ceramic particles. Due to its low water solubility, high color stability and excellent polishing and gloss, it guarantees aesthetics, preservation and long-lasting repair effects.


Fluoride release.
Excellent polishing.
Natural fluorescence.
Great handling.
Easy to use in posterior and anterior restorations.
Good fracture toughness, strength and wear resistance.
Easy to adapt to cavity.