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Scotsman UF1415 Ice Flaker, Scotsman (CAT#: STEM-GLE-0534-LGZ)


1. EASY TO USE: The ergonomic sliding back door provides easy access to the ice in the case.
2. Reliability: Sealed, maintenance-free bearings for reduced preventive maintenance and long-lasting performance. Stainless steel evaporator and auger for maximum durability. Heavy-duty, rust-resistant front panel and corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy side panels for maximum life.
3. High production: 142 pounds (64 kilograms) are produced and 36 pounds (16 kilograms) stored per day, maximizing ice production despite a small footprint.

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-0534-LGZ

Application: Production of ice.

Model: UF1415

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The manufacturer of Scotsman UF1415 Ice Flaker is Scotsman. Model is UF1415. Only 15 inches wide, flexible placement. An optional floor mount kit allows installation under a 34" ADA countertop.


Condition: used
24 hr Production: 142 lb @ 70/50, 107 lb @ 90/70
Dimensions: 15" W x 24" D x 38" H
Shipping Carton: 22" W x 27" D x 38" H
Shipping Weight: 109lb
Available Condenser Options: Air


1. EASY TO USE: The ergonomic sliding back door provides easy access to the ice in the case.
2. Reliability: Sealed, maintenance-free bearings for reduced preventive maintenance and long-lasting performance. Stainless steel evaporator and auger for maximum durability. Heavy-duty, rust-resistant front panel and corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy side panels for maximum life.
3. High production: 142 pounds (64 kilograms) are produced and 36 pounds (16 kilograms) stored per day, maximizing ice production despite a small footprint.
4. Environmentally friendly: ENERGY STAR certified. Meets low lead requirements of the U.S. Safe Drinking Act. Non-ozone depleting R-134A refrigerant.

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