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Virus Detection by Flow Virometry(FVM) (CAT#: STEM-CBT-0080-WXH)


Application of flow cytometry principles for the analysis of viruses has been referred to as flow virometry (FVM). FVM is a multiparametric, high-throughput, and sensitive technique that allows viral particles to be detected, quantified, and characterized based on the biophysical properties of the virus and the expression of proteins on their surface, and can provide analyses of their antigenic properties and population differences. With flow virometry, researchers are able to study a broad range of viruses and viral quantities and populations that were previously difficult to study or undetectable with conventional instrumentation.


Flow cytometers measure single cells by measuring how light scatters and what fluorescence is emitted when the cell is passing through a laser beam. Viruses, being significantly smaller than cells, were initially thought to be undetectable by flow cytometry.
However, by modifying a flow cytometer and using smaller volumes for observation, it became possible to detect viruses by flow cytometry.


• Sort virus particles according to infectivity.
• Detect cells that are infected by viruses.
• Characterizing the Size, Concentration, and Surface Antigens of Viruses.
• Detection of Single Viral Particles to Study Discrete Viral Particles and Viral Surfaces.
• Discerning Between Viral Populations or Subtypes.
• Virus Quantitation.
• Vaccine Quality Assurance.


1.Virus production
2.Instrument setup, standardization, and quality control for fluorescence quantification
3.Flow virometry analysis
4.Viral surface antigen staining and fluorescence quantification
5.Determination of the optimal antibody concentration for virus staining
6.Gain configuration optimization


Labeling of viral capsid using fluorescent lipophilic dye:DiD、DiO、DiI、PKH67
labeling genetic materials (DNA/RNA) using nucleic acid binding dye: YOYO-1、SYBR green-I、PicoGreen, and TOTO-1
labeling with fluorescent immunoglobulin tagged magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs)

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