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PET/CT Imaging (CAT#: STEM-PET-0010-WXH)


PET/CT is Psitron Eission Tmography/Computed Tomography. PET uses positron emitter nuclides to label some compounds or metabolic substrates such as glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, etc., and introduces them into the body to obtain in vivo chemical images using a positron scanning machine. It has received extensive attention in clinical and basic research for its ability to display the metabolic activity of organs or tissues and the function and distribution of receptors. It is also called "in vivo biochemical imaging". PET/CT organically combines PET and CT, and can obtain imaging data of PET and CT at the same time.


• Tumor Research
• Bone-Related Research
• Endocrine Research
• Nervous system studies
• Pharmacokinetics
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Drug efficacy evaluation


1. Start up
2. Machine detection
3. Collimator replacement
4. Injection of Imaging Agent
5. Preparing for collection
6. Acquisition, processing, display, drawing
7. Shut down
8. Restore original

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