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Detection of iodide by Atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) (CAT#: STEM-ST-0142-WXH)


An iodide ion is the ion I-. Compounds with iodine in formal oxidation state-1 are called iodides. In everyday life, iodide is most commonly encountered as a component of iodized salt, which many governments mandate. Worldwide, iodine deficiency affects two billion people and is the leading preventable cause of intellectual disability.


Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS) is the emission of radiation energy in the UV-visible region from gas-phase atoms that have been excited to higher energy levels by absorption of radiant energy. Usually, a flame is used to obtain the atom in a gaseous state. It is a radiative emission process that proceeds from the lowest singlet (S1) to the singlet ground state(S0).


Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (AFS) is an analytical technique that is primarily used to detect and quantify metals. It is an exceptionally sensitive technique that relies on exploiting the distinctive fluorescent spectra of each specific metal.


1. Sample preparetion
2. Sample ionization
3. Detection


• Line Source
• Nebulizer-burner system
• Monochromators/Filters
• Detector, Amplifier, Readout