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Cando Twist-n-Bend Hand-Wrist Exerciser,Set of 6, Fabrication Enterprises (CAT#: STEM-MRA-1000-LC)


Promotes coordination, increases ROM
Consistant bar diameters throughtout resistance levels

Cat Number: STEM-MRA-1000-LC

Application: Used for hand, wrist and shoulder

Model: 10-1516

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The Cando Twist-n-Bend Hand-Wrist Exerciser manufactured by Fabrication Enterprises is ideal for hand and wrist exercise. This Cando Twist-n-Bend Hand-Wrist Exerciser provides a portable conditioning and training solution to arms and hands. The Cando Twist-n-Bend Hand-Wrist Exerciser is an easy to use. The lightweight exerciser is available in a variety of resistance levels, making it ideal for any application where requires rehabilitation across a range of ability levels.


Resistance level: XX Light to Extra Heavy
Length: 12"


Promotes coordination, increases ROM
Consistant bar diameters throughtout resistance levels

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