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1290 Infinity II Vialsampler (CAT#: AM-LE-0508-Y)


• Can hold up to 132 vials (2 mL) or 36 vials (6 mL)
• Small internal volume, minimally increasing the total internal volume of the system
• Injection volume expanded to 1500 µL, suitable for micro-diameter to semi-preparative applications

Cat Number: AM-LE-0508-Y

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The 1290 Infinity II Vialsampler is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, which combines sample management and column operation into a single autosampler module. The vial sampler can inject samples from up to 132 standard 2 mL vials with a rated pressure of 1300 bar.


• Can hold up to 132 vials (2 mL) or 36 vials (6 mL)
• Small internal volume, minimally increasing the total internal volume of the system
• Injection volume expanded to 1500 µL, suitable for micro-diameter to semi-preparative applications
• Needle rinse port can rinse the outer surface of the needle to reduce cross contamination
• The integrated column thermostat (available as an option or upgrade option) can accommodate two columns up to 30 cm in length, and provides heating from 5 °C to 80 °C above ambient temperature to provide optimal resolution Reproducible chromatographic data
• Integrated sample thermostat provides cooling and heating in the range of 4-40 °C
• Overlapping sample runs and injection cycles improve analysis efficiency
• Customizable injection program for advanced injection sequence or sample preparation before injection

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